
Tuesday 31 October 2017

The Perfect Webinar

The Perfect Webinar

Use This Link To Give Away FREE Copies Of The Perfect Webinar Script... 
And Make 40% On All Upsells!
Perfect Webinar Script: $0 
Perfect Webinar Slides (PPT & Keynote): $47 
Perfect Webinar Secrets Training: $297 
Totaling Up to $137.60 Every Time You Give Away a Script!



Sample Subject Lines:
this blueprint successfully sells ANYTHING and EVERYTHING...
No more "buts" about it!
Are you a speaker or want to be?
How to sell any MLM offer without talking to your friends and family...
Are you a professional struggling to grow your business?
(Customize the subject for your audience)


"But... I sell things offline..."

"But... I'm in the eCommerce space..."

"But... I have a service-based business..."

No more "buts" about it!

We have proven over the last 10 years that the Perfect Webinar blueprint literally sells anything and everything.

If you're selling eCommerce products this will work for you...

Many of our eCommerce sellers who have mastered the Perfect Webinar will bundle a bunch of their products together, make a kit, sell it on the webinar and make more money in a day than they typically make in an entire month.

Professional services?...

Do a webinar... at the end pitch people your services and you'll get clients at higher fees with a lot less drama...

Network Marketers:

The Perfect Webinar to date has helped people in your industry make well over $100 million (and that's just what we can track...)

The Perfect Webinar works... it's perfect... don't screw it up... don't deviate from it.

You can plug any product or service you want into this blueprint and it will sell it for you...

Don't believe me?...

Give it a try...

You can get a copy of the script for less than $10 bucks at 
Claim Your Perfect Webinar Script Here >>

But be sure not to mess it up!

The only time I've seen it not work is when people don't follow the script the right way...

Every one of those pieces we put in there is from what my friend Russell learned in his 10 year journey of speaking on stage after stage after stage...

10 years of presenting and failing... bruising hsi knees and bloodying his knuckles testing everything in front of live audiences until we knew exactly what worked and what didn't work...

Some things might not make much sense at first... but trust me, they work!

It's kind of like Mr. Miyagi in Karate Kid...

Mr. Miyagi tells to paint the fence and wax the car...

At first Daniel doesn't understand...

He approaches Mr. Miyagi later in frustration and tells him, "I quit! I'm not here to do your chores... I'm here to do Karate..."

Then Mr. Miyagi throws a punch at Daniel and he instinctively waxes the car and blocks his punch...

At that moment Daniel knew why Mr. Miyagi was having him do these weird things.

The same thing will happen to you when you do your first Perfect Webinar and follow the script and your sales start coming in...

You'll feel your heart beating faster and faster when you realize that this is it... this is the key to your future...

That's what I want you to understand.

So even though some parts don't make sense right now... trust me, they work.

"Wax the car" and "paint the fence" with me for a little bit and prove me wrong... :)

Worst case scenario, you're right...

Best case scenario, you make a whole bunch of money...

So go get a copy of the Perfect Webinar Script here:
Claim Your Perfect Webinar Script Here >>

Your Signature

P.S. One thing about the Perfect Webinar script is it's WAY easier than waxing a dozen cars or painting a bunch of fences...

I have a lot of fun with it... and you should as well... knowing that every slide you create is one step closer to your future :)

Claim Your Perfect Webinar Script Here >>

Marketing In Your Car

Marketing In Your Car

Marketing In Your Car MP3 Player: $0 
FunnelU Monthly: $67 
Funnel Immersion: $297 
All You Have To Do Is Give Away Our FREE MP3 player... 

Here's the breakdown...



Welcome To The Funnel Scripts


Sample Body Copy:
Is it just me, or is the HARDEST part of creating an awesome funnel... is THE COPY.

Yes, the headlines, sales letters / videos, upsells, ect...

In the past, most copywriters charge $15k or more just for ONE sales letter!

So - unless you're willing to pay the crazy high fees, and often even give up equity in your company, it can be REALLY hard / expensive to get good copy done for your funnels.

Well... that is until now!

You can go and see a demo webinar showing you a new software program we created that will actually write you copy for you!!! (And it isn't going to cost you $15k + equity)...

THIS is the next best thing to having ME actually sitting in your office writing copy for you!

Want to see how it works?

If so, then register for the 'Funnel Scripts' demo here >>


P.S. - they are limiting how many copies of 'Funnel Scripts' - so you've got to act fast if you want to get your hands on this new software tool!

  • want ME to write YOUR copy?
  • ummm... these are LITERALLY the cheat codes for your funnel (Funnel Scripts)
  • (Funnel Scripts) - Need help with the copy in your funnels?
  • ...write your funnel COPY in under 10 minutes

FREE DotComSecrets Book Funnel

FREE DotComSecrets Book Funnel

Earn Up To $291.20 For Each Customer You GIVE Away The Free Book To!  

Get Paid On These Awesome Products When You GIVE Away The FREE DotComSecrets Book!
  • The FREE DotComSecrets Book -
  • $37 Audio Book "Bump" Offer - $14.80 each 
  • $197 Instant Traffic Hacks Upsell - $78.80 each 
  • $297 Perfect Webinar System - $118.80 each 
  • $0 - $197 Blueprint Workshop - $78.80 each 
  • Plus 'other' commissions you aren't planning on... 

The Book Funnel...

Sample Subject Lines:

(free) want a review copy of his best product?
where should I ship your review copy?
he just paid for your book (where do you want it shipped?)
Weird marketing experiments (new book - want one?)
I hooked you up! Russell Brunson's new book (free today only)
steal Russell's sales funnels... 
(free book) all his sales funnels and scripts!
**shocked** - He just GAVE this away?
CEO of ClickFunnels GIVES away his best 7 funnels!


I just hooked you up...

Russell Brunson just launched his new book called: 

"DotComSecrets: The Underground Playbook For Growing Your Company Online..."

And I got you a FREE copy (you've just got to cover shipping).  

Go to this page now, and let him know where to ship it:


P.S. In case you're on of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

Russell is mailing you a physical copy of his new book. The book is free, and all you pay is the shipping costs. 

There's no catch... no gimmicks... You will NOT be signing up for any "trial" to some monthly program or anything like that. 

So click here to claim your free copy now. You won't regret it.



FREE DotComSecrets Labs Funnel

FREE DotComSecrets Labs Funnel


How You Can Make Up to $197.60 Giving Away A Free Book...
FREE DotCom Secrets Book: $0 @ 40% =>  (It's free, remember?)
Commission Krusher Template: $37 @ 
Instant Traffic Hacks: $197 @ 
Perfect Webinar Secrets: $297 @ 
Which is a Whopping Total of Up to $197.60 for every book you give away!

The Free Book Offer: